Mud sweat and gears along the Paulinskill Valley Trail

Footbridge Park, in Blairstown, is one of the best places to hop onto the Paulinskill Valley Trail in Sussex County so that’s where I went with my mountain bike this Memorial Day.


Here, the Paulinskill Valley Trail nears Blairstown Airport.

After hoisting my bike off my car and strapping on my helmet, I dug into the soft black dirt trail at full speed kicking up specks of mud that stuck onto my face, legs and arms. Eventually I came to Blairstown Airport and the end of the trail so I turned around and pedaled in the opposite direction.

I crossed a couple of bridges, and even heard a kid yell “cowabunga!” as he jumped off of one of those bridges into the water. There was a bit of horse manure, and its accompanying smell along a few parts of the trail, but it was all good fun. The trail is flat as a pancake, so those who have a tough time on hills need not worry. After, I took an easy roll through Blairstown, where I saw some quaint shops and historic buildings. If you’re ever looking for a great spot to bike just dial 1 Footbridge Lane, Blairstown,  into your GPS and you’ll be at one of the best trails around.

About Matt Kadosh
Matt Kadosh is hiker, mountain biker and the managing editor for TAPinto Westfield. You can reach him at

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